Tag: Inclusivity
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Are you building straight, white, male, middle-class products for straight, white, male, middle-class people?
Quit worrying about what your git branch is called and hire for diversity already. The tech industry has a diversity problem. I think by now that we’re all in agreement on that. If you don’t agree then grab a notepad and draw two columns. Then throughout the day for every…
A Dyslexic’s Fear of Silent Meetings
People have started talking about silent meetings, and as someone who has dyslexia, this is terrifying. I was recently catching up on some episodes of an amazing podcast called ‘Eat, Sleep, Work, Repeat’ that I had missed. I came across an episode where Bruce was talking to…
Bonus Post: Things I Use to Beat Dyslexia
I suffer from dyslexia. I thought it might be helpful to share a few things that help me in my day to day life. So as I mention in my post today about silent meetings, I suffer from dyslexia. I thought it might be helpful to share a few…
The Crying Game: It’s OK to Cry at Work!
People cry at work, probably more than you think. Crying at work is OK. If it makes you uncomfortable, then that’s your problem. For some reason, people tend to trust me with information they don’t generally share with others. I honestly have no idea why maybe I have a trustworthy…
Does the Tech Industry have a Drinking Problem?
Is the social acceptability of drinking within the tech industry causing us an exclusion problem? I have a complicated relationship with alcohol. My mother was an alcoholic who drank herself to death. I’ve used alcohol as stress relief and as a tool to combat my introverted social tendencies. In fact;…